What have I been up to lately? Good question. A lot of the time, the answer is 'not much.' This is becoming an issue, since I am supposed to be 10x farther than I am on my directed study paper. Some of my favorite summer days (aka days off) have included:
- Any time with my friends in New York (for example Terrible Movie Nights with homemade ice cream and this gem of a film)
- Gorgeous weather, Wonder City donuts, New York Public Library tour, yoga, reading Boccaccio in Bryant Park
- Metropolitan Museum of Art and Magnolia Bakery banana pudding
- American Museum of Natural History
- Strand books, Sephora, Pizza Bash $1 Mondays, Union Square, NYU, reading in Washington Square Park, rainy walks through Central Park
- Copley farmers market, a sunset cruise on the Charles River and Crane Beach
- Salem, Exeter, Portsmouth, and Kittery
- Watching movie adaptations of every Jane Austen novel