We gon' party like it's my birthday
My birthday this year was very festive. Last year I didn't really do anything at all because I didn't know anyone, it was very depressing. This year I felt an abundance of birthday love, and I'm so glad I got to spend time with the people I dearly love (minus my family and BFFs who were geographically unable to attend). On my actual birthday, JS took me to breakfast and then I had class virtually all day. After that I just had a quiet night in with my homework so that I could go out Friday night.
Birthday flowers |
On Friday, a total of 13 of my work and school chums joined me for dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant, Brown Sugar Cafe. Besides the delicious cuisine (their pad se-iew is to die for...) Brown Sugar does the best birthday shout-outs. Case in point: disco ball, spotlight, Asian techno birthday song when they brought my birthday cupcakes out with candles. Awesooome. Then we headed to my favorite bar (sadly, the dance floor was closed because of a private party... boo) and after most people headed out and I was winding down, my other work friends who had just gotten off of work came over and the party started all over again! In case you were wondering, no, I don't have any pictures. And yes, I am super depressed about this fact. I looked really, really cute though, and am planning on wearing the outfit again and will definitely post pictures next time. Part of my birthday also included tickets to the Red Sox game! Which was the only game they haven't lost in the last few weeks. Apparently I am their lucky charm, which is bad because I simply cannot attend every game until the playoffs. So far 23 has started off with a bang, and I am loving it thus far.
**An addendum: I also went to Atlantic City with
Courtney a few weeks before my birthday! We partied it up on the boardwalk, perused casinos, experienced some excellent shopping ($18 designer jeans!!), and had a romantic night at the beach. We were confused by the adult strollers in AC (see photo below).... but we decided to try and go back for a day every year if we can :)