
As much as I love the newest member of the Dimas family (Marilla/Rilla/Rills/Frills/Frillys), I still love and miss my 'firstborn' oh so much! I'm glad I got to spend a lot of time with him during my stay in Salt Lake. I was home alone most of the day, and he was always my faithful little shadow and was super cuddly.
Mr. Ratchet Pussywillow


I was recently thinking about some of the milestones I've reached in my short 22 years. Some of them make me feel pretty grown up! It's exciting to think about the 'firsts' to come (i.e. first house! first real job! first child! (AH)). Meanwhile, here is a little glimpse of the past.
1st Crush: Justin Tosco from the band Justincase
1st Real kiss: Abe
1st Real boyfriend: Cam
1st Car: Old Blue
1st Apartment: Sound Beach, NY
1st Passport stamp: Costa Rica
1st Perfume: DKNY Be Delicious
1st Drink: wine at Pago
1st Job: Hogle Zoo
1st Phone: Nokia 'brick' -- indestructable
1st Pet: Stubbs
1st Very own magazine subscription: SELF
1st Big concert: CIWWAF