
Blueberries were on sale this week - besides parfaits (with vanilla yogurt and lowfat granola - yum!) I have been doing a little baking too. "You'll eat a muffin - you'll eat it and like it..."


Photo by Catie


This question came up on a job application: Please describe yourself as a reader and how you came to be one.
I have always loved reading. My parents, both teachers, read to me all the time until I learned to read on the kitchen floor, making words with the hundreds of letter squares my grandma made out of cut-up cereal boxes. During the blazing Utah summers my sisters and I would hurry to our local library, a historic building that had air-conditioning and the biggest, comfiest chairs ever where we would lose ourselves in stacks of books. I have never been able to pick a favorite book, and have trouble even narrowing it down to a favorite genre. I read everything from non-fiction to science fiction, from cookbooks to Russian literature. Books have the power to pull us into exotic or even mundane scenarios where we participate as silent witnesses to a panorama of humanity unfolding. Reading is magic and chaos neatly pressed between two covers. I love it.

Not sure why

...but I am loving this look. Since I am now a crochet fanatic, I think I'm going to try and make some
From here


I have a lot of weird food habits. My friend encouraged me to compile a list, and I hadn't realized just how many there are.
  • Sauce. Spaghetti sauce, bbq sauce, honey mustard, salsa, you name a sauce I will use 10 times as much of it as normal people. I love to drown food in sauce.
  • Tofu. Specifically, tofu on pizza, jazzed up with fun spices like paprika and garlic and oregano and then smothered with sauce (see above), spinach, and cheese (farther below). Tofu-haters of the world can suck it.
  • Top layers. I only like the top layer of movie theater popcorn (it has the most butter!). Also, the top layer of a newly-opened carton of ice cream tastes absolutely amazing.
  • Seeds. Hate them. Will not touch seeded grapes or watermelon - despite my love of both fruits I can only handle seedless. Dislike strawberry seeds as well, but only in things like ice cream and jam.
  • Plain. Plain hominy and plain beans, straight from the can. Plain toast. Plain deli turkey and bread.
  • Pickles. I get the most intense random pickle cravings; my strongest recurring food craving by far. Stupid Snooki for making pickle-loving so cliche.  
  • Salt. I almost never put salt on anything.
  • Meat. EW to: veins/skin/fatty parts/stringy parts/slimy parts/weird colored parts/parts that look too much like muscle. So that basically leaves me with well-done chicken breast that has been carefully autopsied for all of the EW factors.
  • Cheese. Except stinky cheese. Mmm.
  • Bananas. I won't eat the bottom end, only the top.
  • Crust. If it's good bread or pizza or pie, I always save the best for last.
  • Gross. Living on my own I don't eat peanut butter or eggs, simply because I can't stand washing dishes that have involved either. As a matter of fact, I really hate all dishes in general (luckily every guy I've dated thus far happily does dishes - it's now a prerequisite).
  • M&Ms. Red, blue, and orange only, eaten in groups of three (1 of each color).
  • Lime. In a 50/50 mixture of Dr. Pepper and Diet Coke.
  • Nuts. I despise nuts in brownies and ice cream. Peanuts are only good for peanut butter, almonds must be blanched, and pecans must be sugar coated aka pralines. Nope, I'm not picky at all.
  • Foreign objects. Mostly hairs, but obscure things end up in my food so frequently that I'm no longer shocked. 12" strings, bugs, bandaids....
On that delicious note, dinner time! Ha.


Bee's blog! by Courtney and myself (Lu&Lolly Blog Designs). Check it.

What I've....

...been playing with: H&M styling fun
...been doing: lots of this (bed/movie aka 'lazy lizard' time)
....been scared of: have you seen this troll?

10 Things the East Coast Has Taught Me

  1. Coat hoods are seriously underrated. I remember not wearing one in high school because it wasn't cool. What a dummy.
  2. Cars are seriously overrated. Public transportation can be the shizzz.
  3. Big city people don't always live up to their stereotypes - just as Utahns don't always.
  4. Sometimes big city people totally do live up to their stereotypes. And sometimes I still say 'melk' instead of 'milk.'
  5. From the awesome energy and endless activity of NYC to the quaintness of New England waterfront towns to the character and history of Boston - never a dull moment.
  6. I took having a mountainous landscape for granted.
  7. Humidity = worst invention ever. And the fact that it makes summer and winter more miserable.
  8. Autumn is my new favorite season.
  9. New Yorkers and Bostonians are not being snobbish - their pizza really is 10000x better.
  10. Their pizza gives me heartburn but "the rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory."

Photog love

Check this out. Absolutely adore her work! And her name.

Some stuff

A tender moment with the gibbon, my favorite animal at Hogle Zoo

Also this past week: watching scary movies with Courtney and jumping at all the scary parts, lunch with Brittany, hanging out with my BGF Ryan, going out with Julie and Alex, loukomades at church, family dinners, crocheting (I made a scarf!), babysitting, and lots of reading. Only one week left in UT! ... and then school again. Mer.